The Eagle: A Lesson in Determination

Written by dr. j. Posted in Inspiration

I received an email from a friend of mine this week about bald eagles. Now, I know some things about eagles…that they are the greatest hunters and fishers…and that they can kill a myriad of prey…including mountain goat, fox, bear cubs and deer.  But this was something I didn’t know.

Not only are eagles a picture of grace and power, but also of longevity and determination. I will post what I received below. As you are reading it, think about whether you would do what the eagle did…













When it rains, most birds head for shelter. The eagle is the only bird that, in order to avoid rain, flies above the clouds…

It’s eyesight is formidable. It is said that an eagle can see craters on the moon. It can identify a rabbit moving a mile away. And while flying at an altitude of 1000 feet over open country, it can spot prey over an area of nearly 3 square miles.

Power, grace, determination and longevity…

No wonder man is inspired by the soaring of eagles.


Not So Random Musings…About Control!

Written by dr. j. Posted in Rants

We are rapidly approaching the middle of August (yes already) and I am sobered to reflect on the first half of the year…and all the efforts mounting to take away your freedom not only to choose your health solutions, but to monitor and record what you do in your everyday life. The onerous new health care policy includes phraseology which says IF they determine you are to be vaccinated, you HAVE to take it. That’s not good.

FDA Issues New Warning

On July 30th, the FDA issued a WARNING against the use of MMS. Who knows IF any of these people followed the instructions of how to use it. I doubt it. I’ve used it and had great results. Some people started putting info up saying it’s not safe. Well, just ask the people on their deathbeds from AIDS or Hepatitis in Africa who took it and returned to their families and work in 72 hours. Ask them if this was dangerous or a salvation. Jim Humble has dedicated his life to bringing awareness to the masses about MMS. His work speaks for itself. You can find it at and download the first half of his book for free at

God gave us a brain so we could search, study, weigh the evidence and count the costs. Then it is up to you what you choose to do. Be careful of whom you blindly listen to.

HPV Vaccine Revisited

Just a week or so ago, I saw some stats that probably did not make it to front page new about the results of the HPV vaccine. Two of the predictions I made actually have been verified. One, that it really would not protect against cancer. That is being seen, that people who took that vaccine are still getting cervical cancer.

The second was the more insidious one – that infertility would be a results. That is also being proven out. Of course, it will be a few years before 11 and 12 year olds see

One Step Shy Of Heat Stroke…

Written by dr. j. Posted in Health Matters

Happy 4th of July!

I had the pleasure of driving back home to spend a day rummaging through storage. One of those places was my garage. Interesting thing…in the winter time, this garage felt a little cold and was a nice wind break. However in the summer time, I now knew how well it was insulated for winter.

I darn near passed out!

The worst thing on the trip was…aside from deer waiting to commit suicide on a foggy night…was that the NEW air conditioning unit in my car died. And in 100% humidity on hot day, well, that just didn’t make for a decent cross country drive.

Actually, it was rather miserable. It reminded me of that trips across the Florida panhandle when I was a kid. Except we couldn’t move fast enough to create a draft or breeze. Good thing I was on the interstate. It was simply amazing to drive through

It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World…Really…

Written by dr. j. Posted in Rants

November has come and gone very quickly.

For me…I’ve been on the road alot…traveling…training…going through storage units. Ouch! I tell you, I was hurting in places I didn’t know pain existed.

This week is the busiest travel week of the entire year.

I try NOT to travel Thanksgivings week if at all possible. Tomorrow, cops will be out on the road to partake in the ticketing feast they have every year at this time. IF they haven’t made their quota, they get a bonus run over the next few days.

And don’t forget Friday – Black Friday – the day retailers now COUNT on to put them in the black.Are you going to take part in Black Friday events?
Be careful.

Last year a woman got trampled to death, if memory serves me right. There were also a lot of fights and squabbles at stores. THIS year many retailers are increasing

What Are You Doing?

Written by dr. j. Posted in Inspiration

It’s been a VERY busy month. Heck, it’s been a busy year.

We are just about to start the last quarter of 2009. The moon is nearing 1/2 mast. Fall colors are starting the permeate the air.  And that means winter isn’t far behind. Steamboat already has had a dusting.


 Where are you now in your life…in your goals? And…what are you doing to move closer to what you want?

What are you doing? Nothing? The same old thing?

Time to take another look at exactly WHAT you want and whether it’s worth pursuing…whether it’s worth attaining…and DECIDE to either

Awesome Nature Photos for Sunday

Written by dr. j. Posted in Inspiration

If you’re anything like me, you love a good photo. They suspend a moment in time for us to feast on forever…or as long as film remains intact.alex neil's nature photo slideshowWe are blessed with many talented outdoor and nature photographers. Just take a look at a copy of National Geographic or Outdoor Photographer, and you’ll know exactly what I mean.The video right above these words showcases 79 of Alex Neil’s photos. I’m sure you’ll enjoy them.Great eye candy. Enjoy!(video will open in a new window)

Does Being Mental Mean I’m Crazy?

Written by dr. j. Posted in Health Matters, Mind

Sometimes life has a way of overwhelming you. The everyday problems seem life is stressinsurmountable. You think, "That’s it! Just one more thing and I’ve had it!" Hey, I feel your pain. I’ve been there, literally to hell and back. So before you go and do anything rash, let me share this with you…

I had a problem…one that nearly got the best of me.   And I’m so glad that I’m on the other side of it.
Let me explain…

Many years ago, I fell into a deep, dark depression after an estranged friend of mine killed himself. I predicted that it would happen. Heck it was easy to see; you didn’t need a crystal ball. Yet his family chose to ignore the warning signs. And, he ended his life at 19. I was so distraught, angry, hurt…I wanted to go to the funeral just so I could ring his mother’s neck. I could actually see myself doing it. Not a good sign.

"I told her he would do this." It was a hard time for me, a very hard time. And I just wanted the pain to go away. I contemplated and planned to end my life, and was pretty open about it with my family when asked.

Thanks to God, I got on the other side of that. Mine was what is now called a reactive depression. It occurred due to a crisis of conscious.  I had inadvertently taken

The Effects Of Food On Your Skin

Written by dr. j. Posted in Health Matters

Today’s article is from guest writer, LaTara Yan Ling. Enjoy!

Your skin is a vital part of your body. Without skin we would literally be bones and blood. Can you picture it? In caring for the body’s delicate covering, we need not only pay attention to what we put on it but what goes in too. When it comes to foods, consumption of processed foods is just not good for the skin.

You’ve probably heard the phrase ‘you are what you eat’. If you think about it, it is not just a saying, it is a fact. A part of your body’s make up comes from what you put into it. If you want it to work properly and look its best, you need to feed yourself the nutrients it needs and avoid foods that may damage it. For beautiful skin, you should try to get more fiber and ‘good fats’ in your diet and avoid foods with a lot of sugar. Processed foods can have harmful effects on the skin, so if you want to look younger and healthier, try adding unprocessed, whole, and raw foods to your diet.

When food is cooked and processed, it loses vital nutrients. When you eat processed food like canned vegetables or fruits and boxed foods, you don’t get the nutrients your body needs to function efficiently. This jeopardizes your health, and it shows in your skin. If your skin cells aren’t properly nourished,

Garlic: One Food Loaded With Benefits

Written by dr. j. Posted in Food, Health Matters

Garlic is a Medicinal Wonder

Garlic belongs to the family Alliaceae and is a close relative of the onion, shallot and leak. It has a pungent, ‘hot’ flavor that mellow and sweetens during the cooking process. The most common part of the garlic that is used is the head of the garlic with the cloves that make it one complete unit. The young floral stem of the garlic is also used for many purposes.

Garlic is believed to have originated in Central Asia. It is now grown all over the world, but it is most popular in China, the Mediterranean, and Latin America.

For more than 5000 years garlic has been valued for its healing properties and its ability to increase the body’s strength and energy. It is said that the builders of the Giza pyramids in Egypt ate garlic to

Pinkeye And Kids: One Mom’s Story

Written by dr. j. Posted in Health Matters

Today’s article is from guest writer, Maria Meadowcraft. She recently went through a battle with pinkeye, and wanted to share her experience and lessons learned with you. Enjoy!

The old childhood illness of pinkeye has always scarred me. Any time I hear it mentioned it’s in a way that makes me think of contamination and exile, at least for a few days. However, I had never had any personal experience with it, until now.

Yesterday my son came home from kindergarten with a memo saying it was going around the class room, so they did a massive cleaning of their room in hopes of riding this childhood illness. Just as I put the memo down I happened to look at my son, to find he had goopy icky stuff in the corner of both of his eyes. Panic struck me initially, as he has never had these symptoms before, and as a mother I did not want my child with this infection.

What were we going to do?

Conjunctivitis or pinkeye is the most common eye problem kids usually get. It can come with redness, itching, inflammation, or swelling, and yes the goop! This goop is a greenish or