New Resource Directory Launched
“You asked for it, you’ve got it.”
I get asked all the time about various health and wellness issues, usually centering on ailments, how to treat them, and what I recommend. Just the other day, a couple of my friends put the screws to me, so to speak. Heck, they didn’t even know I had a website – “Hello…I’ve only had a site up continuously since 1996”.
(That comment is for them). But they had a valid point…a truly valid point.
I come across SO many good sites that offer unique products and services that I’m testing, want to test or just want to LOG to come back and try later…especially so I won’t lose them before I can share them with you.
I was also approached by several webmasters about listing their sites here, essentially ‘sharing’ their resources with you. Well, some of their stuff is really good – I mean have you ever heard of salt candles? I haven’t. How about blue peel? Man just looking at that woman’s picture day after day with that ‘stuff” on her face made sure that I’d never put myself through that torture.
But you may.
So, because there is a lot of good stuff out there, I said “YES”, with one condition. I had to look at each site and APPROVE them before they could be listed here. Now I’ll warn you that some of them COULD change after I approve them. If they do, and you find anything offensive or unusable, just let me know and I’ll kill their link.
Fair enough?
The resource directory will be of information, goods and services that can help you improve your health, fitness and manage your stress. Plus, there are some links to relax at, like specialized travel sites to Cypress and South Africa.
Well…it’s 2:34AM and time for me to get some shut eye.
You can click the link below to get the the directory. It’s about a week old.
Click here for Health Resources Directory
aka Dr. J

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