Archive for June, 2006

Going, going, gone

Written by dr. j. Posted in Health Matters

Just a quick note…

Looks like I’m going to have to take down the Resource Directory, at least the way it is currently laid out. Some unscrupulous individuals have been spamming it with all sorts of weird stuff and getting by the permissions module. They are not supposed to be able to post without my permission but it is happening.

I’m not sure how that is happening but it makes it useless the way it is working right now.

So as de Arnold would say it,

“Hasta la vista baby!”
It’s history!

I’m going to have to configure a new one by hand.

Oh groan! It’s not like I don’t have other stuff to do. I may just fold it into someplace else but right now, its not a high priority. Getting the data I want out of it is.

Guess that’s technology – and sneaks for you.

dr. j

Just Like Milk, It Does The Body Good

Written by dr. j. Posted in Health Matters

There is one thing that is a foundation of good health, especially in today’s world.

And it goes beyond vitamins, beyond nutrition, beyond fitness and exercise.

Beyond sleep!

It will do more to help offset the ravages of today’s world. And is a MUST for a modern society.

What is it?

A detoxification program.

Yes, you can do everything right and get smacked in the face with illness, cancer, immune system breakdown and even worse if you forget this one thing.


Because despite what the media might state, we are losing the battle of good health. As our foods become more and more devitalized, as our water, air and living enviornment become more and more polluted, something gives…and it is usually our health.

Just spend a day reading the labels of the stuff you buy, from deoderants, to lotions, to shampoos and conditioners, to prepackaged foods and dinners. And start researching what the growers of the imported vegetables are putting on your foods BEFORE they come into this country. It’s a real shocker that stuff that was banned in the U.S. is being used there and, well, you get to eat it IF you eat those foods…as well as suffer the health consequences…and they’re not good.

It’s in there.

They are LOADED with chemicals.

Chemicals just love to store in the fat of our bodies. And at some magical moment, they tilt the balance from health to an unhealthy medium where all sorts of bad stuff just thrives.

So what’s a body to do?


However detox is not as simple as the infomercials might lead you to believe.

Yes, the colon plays an important part. However that is just one part of the puzzle.

What about the blood? What about the tissues?

What about all the stuff that is circulating in your body, that you breathe in, ingest in, smear on your face and body, what about that stuff?

It goes into the blood and tissues – and correct me, but that isn’t the gut or colon.

So a good detox program must incorporate cleaning out the colon AND detoxifying the tissues and blood.

That requires MORE than just a colon cleanser full of psyllium and bentonite.

In the upcoming weeks we’ll be looking into different methods of detoxifying your body from heavy metal, chemicals and toxins.

It’ll be an eye opener. Stay tuned.

dr. j

It’s Just a Water Matter

Written by dr. j. Posted in Health Matters

It’s summer.

And along with that heat comes illnesses related to overheating. Some of them can cause you pain, unconsiousness and even death. They all have one thing in common, and that is dehydration.

Dehydration occurs when the body looses too much fluid without having it replenished. Or, when it is replenished with the WRONG type of fluids, like high acid load soda pop. It’s more common than you think and is estimated that MILLIONS of Americans live in a form of dehydration every day due to their underconsumption of water.

And as the weather gets warmer, more people head outside and exert themselves; therein lies the danger. Exercising, gardening or mowing the grass even in humid conditions helps you lose fluids. In hot, humid condition, you can seriously overheat to heat exhaustion or heat stroke, and die.


Electrolyte disturbance, toxin buildup, elevated core temperture, acidosis.

The biggest concern is that most people just don’t drink enough water daily. So they exist in a compromised, partially dehydrated state continually. That exerts its own stress on the body. And it doesn’t take much additional stress to push them over the edge.

That wasn’t a problem in the old days when water, milk and Kool Aid were the primary beverages. Heck, today there are SO many choices that it isn’t surprising that sodas rank the #1 beverage drink. Caffienated beverages (coffee being #2) only help dehydrate the body even more as caffiene exerts a diuretic effect.

I’ve even met people who tell me that they HATE drinking water. Go figure – as the body is made up of more than 70% water!

Have you ever been thirsty? I mean really thirsty?

Did you notice that drinking a cola or a Dew just didn’t quench your thirst, no matter how much you drank? However a tall glass of homemade lemonade did?

Hummm…wonder why?

Water, minerals and electrolytes.

Your body wasn’t craving acid load and sugar, it was craving free water, minerals and electrolytes! Those are the oil that makes the body machine run more efficiently, to make each cell run more efficiently.

Many American complain of ‘brain fog’ in the morning, something which could just be a symptom of dehydration. S0 they grab a coffee and high sugar snack to start off their day, instead of drinking some fresh water in the morning to jumpstart their system and help clean out the toxins.

The victious cycle repeats…

and builds upon itself.

And they wonder why they’re feeling tired, lethargic, sickly or faint!

The best way to avoid dehydration is to make sure you’re drinking enough water. Making an conscious effort to drink plenty of water over the course of the day can have a great effect on your energy level, concentration and your overall well-being. It’s usually as simple as carrying around a water bottle or keeping a glass of water filled on your counter at home; if the water is there in front of you, you’re more likely to drink it.

Today there are many great tasting waters available at your local convenience or health foods store. I usually make sure they are reverse osmosis and ozonated. It seems like more and more waters are coming over the the clean taste of reverse osmosis water. My favorite is Smart Water. Nestle and AquaFina both use reverse osmosis and now have a better taste than Dasani.

You can go even more high tech and magnitize your water for an additional treat.

Drink plenty of good clean water. It does the body good!


Damn Mosquitoes

Written by dr. j. Posted in Health Matters

Well, it’s finally gone from a cold spring right into summer. And that means hot, hot, HOT! And hot means,


Drat, I swear I can hear them at the door, sharpening their chompers, just waiting until I come out to feast.

What the heck do you do about them, especially if you live near a wetland?

Well, live NEAR a wetland is an oxymoron. It is like the majority of the state of Michigan IS a wetland. And worse yet, a river runs through it. In my case, that river is about 30 feet away.

So I’m told that whatever we do for the problem near me will be quite ineffective because of the river behind me. I usually remark that I see no citronella plants anywhere are the property. I don’t see any bat boxes either.

That just begs one curious observation:

What happened to West Nile?

Interesting that a bug that was not seen on the face of the earth until a few years ago has gone quiet after making such a splash in this marshy climate and across the US. I haven’t heard a single story in the past 3 months about it.

So what happened to the West Nile virus?

Was it a fluke? A test drop of a biological agent? A designer bug? How could it disappear without a trace?

Actually, it’s not yet gone, but is not making headlines. The most recent CDC report indicate only 4 cases in the US, with the states reporting them being Colorado, Texas and Mississippi.

Why the dramatic drop in cases?

Your guess is as good as mine. But for now, I’ll leave you to your own conclusions…and keep myself doused in Deep Woods Off!

dr. j

“The truth is out there.”