What Could You Learn From Britney Spears?
Her performance at the Grammy’s was atrocious. Her personal life’s a mess. Her body…well, she hasn’t been in the rare form she’s known for for quite some time.
And her hair…what can I say about that?
Britney…she’s been in the news a lot lately. Her personal debacle has been massive tabloid fodder, played on their fronts like a C rated reality show. Yet she still commands loads of attention.
What lessons can you learn from Britney’s life?
Blogging master Michael Martine has written an amusing yet poignantly insightful post on the matter.
Make sure you read it. The real fruit will come when you apply it.

Comments (130)
dr. j
| #
Yeah, Michael…
I didn’t want to steal your thunder! You had ALL the good pictures on your blog.
So…they’ll just have to go to your site to get the skinny!
Michael Martine
| #
Look! A picture! 🙂 Love it! You know, truthfully, I find the picture on my post Britney with her head shaved kind of touching. She looks very vulnerable in that picture. She’s still kind of a dumbass, though.