I Am Legend Online
Several of his movies are timeless. Most I anticipate highly and saw on the big screen. But his newest release…I’ll have to pass on for now.
Let me explain…
When they started leaking that his new movie would be coming out about what, 9 months ago, I KNEW that it wasn’t just a thriller…it was going to be downright SCARY! The impression I got was that it was going to be a cross between the whole Resident Evil thing and The Omega Man.
Don’t remember The Omega Man? I’m sure that you can find this Charleston Heston flick in the oldies section. Where was I? Oh yeah…
Now I don’t mind admitting that I’m a whimp when it comes to these things…horror flicks and all. Just ask my brothers. The last movie they tricked me into taking them to was Aliens…and I didn’t stick around long after the exploding-monster-through-the-belly scene. So, suffice it to say that you DEFINITELY won’t find me in the theaters gripping the arms of my chair watching this unfold.
I’m waiting for the DVD!
Hey, I’m all about controlling my input to the EERE I’m exposed to. So many thanks goes to whoever invented close captions, fast forward and eerie noise reduction control (can you say MUTE).
But I don’t have to wait months to experience I Am Legend. And neither do you. If you’re any bit of a chicken like me, you can experience it right now in the safety of your own home. It just so happens that the screenplay is online.
Now if the movie HALF follows the screenplay, it’ll be a winner.
It might even lure you to see it via the big screen.
So, I invite you to take a read. Reading it is almost like being there.
For those of you brave enough, I Am Legend launches on the 14th.

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