Are You Indigo?
Have you ever wondered if some of the difficulties that you’ve been having in and with the world are genetic? Going deeper than just family ties and proclivities, almost like you were programmed to be something different because you’re hardwired different? What if your behavior, responses and desires are coded in your DNA as your driving program?
I’ve worked with thousands of people and know that most people operate in patterns. It’s only very recently that I’ve been exposed to a concept of having mission and life’s purpose encoded within your dna, which governs your interactions and reactions along the path of life…and maybe much more.
The word, ‘indigo‘, has been showing up all over the place lately. I’m not even sure how I first got exposed to the ‘type’. Indigos are supposed to have planetary significance. I have no clue how that interpretation came about. But the characteristics of this genotype are remarkably familiar.
Have you had difficulty fitting in? Have problems with authority because you follow the beat of a more perfect authority? Are you intuitive, have had paranormal experiences like premonitions? Are sensitive to electrical forces? You just might be an Indigo. |
I don’t know enough about Indigos to come to any conclusion. Interestingly enough, in the past week I’ve started business relationships with two Indigos. One is new to being classified as this phenomena. The other, is a Type 1, a healer.
Learning if you fit this genotype may help you understand yourself, even if you don’t buy the special significance others give to being one. You can find out more by taking this 25 question quiz. Who knows, you just might be Indigo.
Oh yeah…remember to click on the picture to visit the site of Sigurour Stefnisson. He photographs the aurora borealis above Iceland. His photos are enchanting, especially if you can picture yourself there. Many are in shades of indigo.

Tags: aurora borealis, energy healing, indigo, indigo adult
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