Unhappy With Your Job? Maybe It’s Time For You To Make Money Doing What You Love
Is your job driving you crazy? Maybe it’s time to make a change. There are few people that have navigated changing mega successful careers better than Jonathan Fields. Jonathan went from being a high stressed lawyer closing the big one, right to emergency surgery. Then was back at the grind 2 weeks later to figure out his exit strategy.
And figure it out he did indeed. Jonathan runs the most success yoga center in the country, working only 10 hours per week. He’s a sought after writer, a fitness guru, author and has an upcoming book on how to change careers successfully.
And now Jonathan is taking on a new challenge: teaching. He’s decided to teach his insights and strategies on making the transition to something you love to do or dream about doing. His first bootcamp is slated for late February. So…
What would it be worth to you to gain precious knowledge and cut your learning curve drastically by plugging into his mind? How much time and frustration could you save? How would you like to have his mind on your team?
Well, you can. You now have the opportunity to profit from his experience and learn from him face to face. But this opportunity is limited to a select, lucky few who take action and make the commitment to come to New York. Yes, come to New York and learn his strategies LIVE. For 2 days, Jonathan will teach you and will do it for a mere pittance. Hey, when I say dirt cheap, I mean it.
Yeah, I KNOW this sounds like a pitch…and it is…but I don’t get anything from it but introducing you to Jonathan. I enjoy his collumns, his wit and his insights, and I’m sure you will too. Plus I’m in transition. So any help he can give me, well, let’s say I’m all ears. So, IF this seems like something you might like to partake in, or if you’re considering making a career transition and you’re looking for some guidance, I urge you to get over to Career Renegade and register for this event now. Read the sales letter afterwards, cuz at $197, I’d be surprised if it wasn’t sold out by Sunday. Heck, I registered for it…and I don’t even like New York! (let’s hope he’s not doing it in the city)
Looking forward to seeing you at the Career Renegade Bootcamp!
Oh yeah, if you’re thinking about changing careers, let me know here from what to what!

Tags: career renegade, career transition, jonathan fields, lifestyle
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