Something Weird Is Going On With The Feed
Well as Murphy’s Law would have it, I’m just about to board a plane for a conference in New Mexico when my blog designer tells me that my feed has disappeared. I had been looking for my latest post to arrive in my email…actually my last couple of posts…and they are missing in action.
So the question is: "What the heckies is going on?" Technical troubles before a 3 AM roadtrip to the airport is just not what I’m cracked up for right now.
Right now, the soaking tub is calling (for my aching back).
So…just know that AFTER I rest my brain a bit, and deal with my back before I commit to a day on the plane, I’ll be digging into the bowels of this blog (hopefully with the help of my blog architect dude) to figure this out.
Damn you WordPress.

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