Hot Summer Fun That Keeps You Going
Summer is here.
And while a few of my associates are planning to take trips far away, most have decided to stay close to home instead of traveling and paying high gas prices.
And Hollywood has heard our cry for much needed entertainment.
I think this summer will go down in history as the best summer ever for Sci-Fi and Action Adventure movie releases. It will be the summer that will also handsomely reward Hollywood for thinking of us, the movie goer, by providing entertainment that is beyond cutting edge expectations.
And today’s film was no exception.
I just got back from viewing the new Hulk movie. With Edward Norton heading up the cast, I already knew it was going to be good.
And it was! It remained true to form of the comic books I read with my brothers nearly 40 years ago. I loved the cameos by Lou Ferrigno, Stan Lee and clip of Bill Bixby from The Courtship of Eddie’s Father. Just in case you didn’t know, Lou and Bill both played in the TV series, The Incredible Hulk. Stan Lee is the comic series creator.
Thus far, the summer has brought us the sequel to Narnia. It did not move me to see it in the theaters but to wait for the DVD. And, I was a little ‘ho-hum’ about Iron Man…but will probably see it this week. I wasn’t convinced that Robert Downey Jr (no matter how talented) was a good ‘fit’ for playing superhero character. Plus the parking lot at the theater was just too full for my liking. I hate watching movies with a lot of pressure.
But that pressure may have been due to another movie, Indiana Jones.
I’ve always marveled at Raiders of The Lost Ark. How did they make the snakes look so real? So, it didn’t take a rocket scientist to anticipate that I (and many others) wanted that ‘magic’ to be recaptured in future installments. The Temple of Doom missed the mark, but had several amusing points. The 3rd installement with Sean Connery was better, but still no match for the original.
Now with the release of Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, I wonder if it is has recapped the magic of the first movie. It has done very well at the box office, as expected. It’ll be on my agenda to see this week.
Today, I sat in anticipation as the previews of upcoming movies rolled. The three they showed were none that I expected this summer – but will most definitely see.
What are they?
1) The X Files movie – If you were ever a fan of David Duchovney as the infamous Mulder in the long running television series, you will have a chance to feast on the next installment. Jillian is back as Scully. And…so are the geek squad. And get this – one of them gets infected with the alien virus (the one which turns your eyes black and much, much more). That’s all I’m saying about it. I’ll be there the week it is released.
2) The Mummy Sequel: Tomb of The Dragon Emperor- I love Brendan Fraser and the Mummy franchise is all him. The first two were masterful with regards to special effects. The villain, villainous. And the critters, unique, exceptionally well done and made me glad that it wasn’t real. The surprise in this film: Jet Li. I think he’s the new mummy. Cool! I’ll be there week one…and so will TONS of Jet Li fans.
3) Hell Boy II – although the first movie laid the groundwork for this sequel, it looks like the sequel will be way BETTER! The costuming is just incredible. And some of the villains remind me of the twins of Matrix II.
What else is coming up?
A) Batman: The Dark Night – the last one with Christian Bale was done so well that seeing this on the big screen is a no brainer
B) Hancock – it’s Will Smith as a superhero…Will Smith
C) Wanted – with Morgan Freeman and Angelina Jolie; loads of eye candy in the previews makes this a no brainer
D) Wall-E – this animation looks quite funny and sports a robot who reminds me of J-Five from the movie Short Circuit – Pixar is back!
Later in the year, we’ll see Madagascar II (love the first movie) and the Transporter and Underworld sequels. Then after that, another Star Trek, Toy Story and Transformers movie.
Looks like I’ll need to break out my calendar and schedule these in. With all these goodies coming down the pipe, I’d hate to miss them on the big screen…even if I later rent or buy them.
Now THAT’s a feat in itself. Hollywood has driven me BACK to the theaters for first run, versus waiting for them to come on DVD.
Keep ’em coming.
: 0)

Tags: adventure movies, hollywood summer movies, sci-fi movies
Comments (130)
dr. j
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@ sheryl
Thanks for catching this! Richard Norton is a martial arts film star who sports an Aussie accent. Eddie is the one I am referring to.
Thanks for catching the error. It’s now corrected.
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who is richard norton?? i thought his name was edward!