
61 Movies That Will Make You Laugh

Written by dr. j. Posted in Humor


I collect movies. Good ones, moving ones, unusual ones, trippy B movies and  extremely well crafted and well written ones. However, one thing that I never fail to do is to keep on the lookout for fun, funny, silly and just plain stupid ones that give you the deepest of all belly laughs.

Why? Laughter is just good medicine. If I ever think I’m starting to take life (or myself) a little too seriously, then it’s time to pop in one of the movies on this list. Several of them I travel with and recommend to widely to friends and clients. As far as this list goes, I

Experience The Strange, The Bizarre, The Odd…

Written by dr. j. Posted in Humor

I’ve been debating whether to start a section that goes a little beyond marty feldman humor…that has to do with good ole plain fun. So, after debating for a week or two, I’ve decided…why not?

However, I just couldn’t pass on passing on this rare find that earns its way into both the fun and humor section. I had to toss a coin on this (ok…I ate a piece of pound cake while musing over it) and decided…humor wins out.


Well, with pieces like the 20 Ugliest Celebrities (I bet you know who

Ah…Another Turkey Day

Written by dr. j. Posted in Humor


You’ve got the day off – it’s a national holiday.

The food’s out of the oven and you are ready for some good eatin’.
It’s Turkey Day – and you’re all about Thanksgivings.

If you’re lucky, your wallet will pass on Black Friday.

But until manana, have a blessed Thanksgivings from all of us at Better Health News.


watch out for the dogs!


redneck home alarm

And You Thought Your Kid Was Bad

Written by dr. j. Posted in Humor

Many times I’m asked what to do when your kid just won’t mind?

Well obedience is something that is taught when they are young. If you wait too long to teach them the lessons of respect and responsibility, well, you can have a tiger on your hand.

Children can and should be taught these lessons from very early age. They are sponges and learn at incredible rates. However, what if you’ve got one that just broke the mold?

I came across this message on the difference between love and spanking. I trust it will add a little light to your day.


aka Dr. J

Love vs. Spanking

Most of America’s populace thinks it very improper to spank children, so I have tried other methods to control our kids when they have one of “those moments”.

One that I found very effective is for me to just take the child for a car ride and talk.

They usually calm down and stop misbehaving after our little car ride together.

I’ve included a photo below of one of my sessions with our son, in case you’d like to use the technique.

It’s very effective!

When spanking just won't do

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